Kamis, 02 Mei 2019

Smoking should be banned in public

   Smoking is a self-destructive activity, such as lung, kidney, and people around us. According to the results of Kong's College London's research, smoking can "spoil" the brain by damaging memory, karning ability and reasoning power. The subject of the study was carried out on 8.800 people who were susceptible to age ranging from 50 years and over who had high blood pressure and were overweight.
   Cigarettes contain thousands of substances where 50% of them have been classified as substances that have adverse effects on human health. Other substances which are dangerous and often referred to include Tar and Nicotine. Tar is a substance that causes cancer. While Nicotine is a substance that can stimulate the nerves and brain, causing an addiction effect.
   The conclusion is smoking causes health problems for your self and other people around us. And if you want to smoke should not be in a public place. 

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